What am I looking at?
A visualization of syour (or anyone else's) reddit comment history. Graph daily, weekly, and long term usage patterns, find old posts that have been buried, and view top comments.
Stuff is broken!?
Keep in mind that this is not an actively maintained project, It was origionally made and hosted by someone else but then abandoned. This is the old project hosted in a new place.
Where are my older comments?
Unfortunately, reddit's API only exposes your 1000 most recent comments - if you'd like to see more, the admins will have to change something on their end.
How does the grade level statisitic work? It seems off.
It uses the Coleman-Liau Index to esimate how difficult your comment are to read based on words per sentence and characters per word. It is difficult to count sentences and word length when the input isn't sanitized - URLs and LOLOLOLOLs increase the grade level way too much - so to make the output appear more reasonable, I cheat and use sigmoidal functions to force the reading level between 0 and 20.
Can I graph karma v. comment length?
I looked a few people's profiles and wasn't able to see much a correlation between the two. This could be because each of them had a small number of comments with a very high amount of karma. One of the main difficulties with this type of display that has many moving parts and combinations is leading the user the -most- interesting graphs to look at. To facilitate that, I removed several potentially interesting things from the old UI .
I do think there is a relationship between length and karma; I'm planning downloading more information, analysing it, and posting about it.
Is there any way to download my comments?
There isn't anyway to do it in the current UI, but you can copy/paste them from the console. Open the console on your browser, paste JSON.stringify(rawCommentArray) and press enter.
This faq didn't answer one of my questions! What do I do now?
You are out of luck I guess ;)